Auschwitz – Birkenau visit
I finally edited the photos from my visit to the holocaust memorial in May.
This horrific place had been on my bucket list for many years now, so when I was in Krakow for a few days, I made sure to free up time.
I remember being astonished about the amount of visitors on site, that Monday morning. Wow, I really didn’t expect that! Unfortunately it made it less obvious to realize the photos I had in mind.
It was a very hot & sunny day, with temperature rising well above 30°C. Somehow adding an extra dimension to the visit, for sure on the grounds of Birkenau. No shadow, nowhere to hide, just plain fields. You could smell the “heated up” burned wood from the destroyed ovens and the “death” barracks were slightly turning into sauna’s, hardly providing any fresh shelter. In the end it was very confronting, even more than I expected. It took me some time to process it all.
That was the main reason I waited so long before starting to edit, besides having lack of time. I needed to feel the right way and find the right preset to get the result I wanted to work to. In the end, I guess I did manage to get a few good ones. Hope you like them.
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