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Author: Morten

Göteborg an unexpted little gem

Göteborg an unexpted little gem

I was told by my former Norwegian colleague, that Göteborg would be the perfect city to start my first visit to the beautiful country of Sweden.  So I gave it a go and he was right. I really loved the city and it’s vibe.

The new lights of the Antwerp Cathedral

The new lights of the Antwerp Cathedral

The Cathedral of our lady in Antwerp, celebrated it’s 500th birthday during the first weekend of September. For this celebration, the cathedral lighting was also renewed, making it a real highlight of the city. I decided to go to the opposite river bank and shoot some photos. In front the wooden giant “Cosmogolem”, who checked and approved …

Sunsets in Sweden

Sunsets in Sweden

I managed to sort out 80% from my photos from Sweden and got a few done. Here are some sunsets I was fortunate to catch on camera.

The southern archipelago of Göteborg

The southern archipelago of Göteborg

I went on a sunset cruise through the beautiful southern archipelago of Göteborg. I honestly could not have imagined how beautiful it was. I took tons of photos, but I really would already like to share this one with you.

Sweden in May

Sweden in May

I’ll be heading for Sweden in May (9 – 16), something I’ve been looking forward to for a while now. I’ll be flying to Göteborg first, where I’ll spent 3 days and later on head to Stockholm. I’ve chosen to head by train from Göteborg to Stockholm, to see a bit of this beautiful country. Well I hope it will be worth the 4 hour trip. Well normally it’s 3 hours but due to railroad maintenance that weekend (typically) it’ll…

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